Welcome aboard

I am a (com)passionate person, contributing my skills to create a fair, inclusive society that looks beautiful at the same time.

I believe that design is about solving problems, aiming to make everyone's life happier.

Technology is so cool that it allows us to make any necessary changes to create a better society, help connect each other, learn, and shape a sustainable environment.

With today's rapid changes, I enjoy taking the extra step to learn and grow at a fast pace and create experiences that will positively impact someone's journey.

Welcome aboard


It's Vaggos again

I am a (com)passionate person, contributing my skills to create a fair, inclusive society that looks beautiful at the same time.

I believe that design is about solving problems, aiming to make everyone's life happier.

Technology is so cool that it allows us to make any necessary changes to create a better society, help connect each other, learn, and shape a sustainable environment.

With today's rapid changes, I enjoy taking the extra step to learn and grow at a fast pace and create experiences that will positively impact someone's journey.

Design approach

Greatest achievements

The project NOSEiD that I worked with my colleagues at Adam&EveDDB for IAMS (Mars Petcare) turned out to be a complete success. NOSEiD was featured in Campaign Magazine UK, securing position number 7 on the list for Top digital innovations in 2021. Most importantly, we helped around 20% of the lost dogs in Nashville Tennessee find a safe place.

Furthermore, I worked for Tipps Ltd when they were looking into hiring a firm to bring the idea to life. Most firms, came back with an initial quote. Three months later, towards the end of our collaboration, the same firms, reduced the initial quote down to half the price by saying that "This design work really helps us reduce the work hours needed to complete the project".

Let's talk about...


As a kid, I have been a competitive tennis player, with my greatest accomplishment conquering the 4th place on the main table for ages 16-18 of the national tournament when I was 14.


I just love mountains in general, but I absolutely love hiking. I have reached the summit of various mountains and I plan to summit many more.


Being a scout between 7-17 y/o, I developed the illness of wanting to be connected with nature. I like camping and challenging myself in survivals, going in deep forests with limited resources, making huts from nothing trying to see how long I last.


I'm a food nerd, and love to cook. I have working experience in a Michelin star restaurant so I set the highest standards for what I eat. For the past year I have been a vegetarian because I have a thing for cheese.


I generally listen to a lot of music. All kinds really. Lately I have developed an addiction for dub, and chase after sounds systems.


Technology and Innovation.
I make sure I always keep up with the latest trends and I like to know about the latest products that have come out. In other words, nerd.


Another thing I am a nerd about is our world and I am always the person to bring out random fun facts about places.


I am intrigued by the vastness of the universe. I read a lot about what is out there and always try not to miss important moments to look at the sky (ex. when comet Neowise was passing by).


I love playing video games, with personal favourites open-world/builder/survival games such as Minecraft and Terraria.


A lot of articles have talked about this, but I agree that traveling is the best way to "waste" your money. It's always so educational and it's teaches you something when experiencing something different.


I play the bass and used to be in a band when I was a student. I have performed in many gigs, recorded a demo and an album, and before Covid-19, I jammed with friends or joined open jam sessions.

"Always In Motion Is The Future"
Master Yoda


©Evangelos Angelis ️